Monday, December 23, 2013

December 24, 2013 - Update

First off, I am excited about my upcoming portrait painting class at the Woodstock School of Art starting on January 8th, 2014 from 1:00 - 4:00 pm. So will be refining plans for that in the next few weeks. Click HERE for info.

I am also pleased with my latest 12x12 - the model is Naoko, who is also a painter.

My other plan for the hols is to finish my unfinished paintings. One painting done and ensconsed in its new home is "Trey" - a full length portrait of my good friend and radio documentary-maker extraordinaire, Trey Kay. The painting + detail images are now added to my Portraits Portfolio on the website but am including one here too and a photo of the portrait with Trey - not a very good quality photo alas.

My biggest bugbear right now is a profile portrait I am working of the beautiful Phillis Kelly. This is where it is right now. The thing with profiles is that there is no room for fudging. It is what it is. I hope to make an animated slide show of the various morphings that this piece will have gone through before it is finished. Well, that's it for now, dear Phan.